Saturday, May 31, 2008

i m back to blogg more..
anw, had bball camp in sch on thurs..
hhaas.. was a v tiring day.. but was kinda fun..
had bbq at night, n for once..
i din do a single shit lors.. v cool..
played bball in e dark n stuff.. quite cool..
den went to bathe n stuff.. went back le..
half e ppl were wearin boxers to slp..
but i was e onli 1 who had special attention from every1..
they teased me as monster n stuff.. ass lors..
anw, i ignored it n went to play card outside..
at a bench.. played till at abt 2plus..
den aaron told us he saw sth dirty.. we din c though..
den we continued till abt 15 mind ltr?? aaron n i saw it tgt this time..
omg.. din noe whyy we saw it laa.. but we were quite scared actually..
den aaron n i saw ma.. den jun chai crazy de.. din c so v curious lyk tat..
we went to talk around parts of sch ma..
den we went to forth floor, sit at e pavement lyk tat..
next time e female toilet n staircase there.. den ah..
it was v spooky.. played there a while den we sat down talk..
half way, jun chai saw a wierdest thing on earth..
v scary lors.. den he was v shocked n scared..
den we went down back to second story..
at tat time was abt 4plus le.. den we continued wasting time n stuff lors..
was fun la.. hhaas.. thought saw wad we should no have laa.

hhaas.. havin loads of fun with u always..
hope u think so too k? hhaas..
anw, yest was noth de.. don think too much k??
srry ya?? i missyou lots..


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

omg.. my blogg.. im gonna pump blood into u soon ya?!?
nowadays lyk always v busy lyk tat lors..
anw, spend my bday with my dearest gal..
it wad fun, love.. don worry ya?? it was great.. jus short time onli..
anw, i got too many things to say n stuff till i duno where to begin..
so i jus write abt a few days bahs..
hmmm yest was lyk super bad.. had maths remedia den bio..
bio was kinda borin though.. cause i was tired n e air-conditioned room was great!!
yea.. anw, after tat i went to meet kf n benson..
kf bought a phone.. n after meetin them n do my stuff den i went to meet my gal..
den after tat we took her dogs out for a walk..
n guess wad?? it was late le.. so we decided to go back le..

den guess wad?? i dropped my phone into e lake..
damn sad la.. jus got my phone in lyk 2mnth plus onli la..
n stuff la.. its sad to lose my phone la.. but saw sth far worst den tat..
actually i couldn't believe it de la.. but wad it is.. it is a fact..
so yea.. got depressed n stuff lors.. yea.. but wadeva la..
i duno wad i m supposed to do, say n stuff la..
i will jus keep mum la i suppose..

my dear:
i have spent so much time with u these few weeks n stuff lors..
its reali great.. im sure n v v certain abt tat..
i love u lots.. talk abt u in e next post..
loveyou my dear..


Thursday, May 8, 2008

fuck it la.. my day today jus sucks big time la..
sigh.. first, go ss remedia.. latest to go in.. nvm..
next, get caught for slpin inside.. den ltr tio kb..
wtf la.. wad is her fuckin prob la.. nb lors..
come in n said " imagine e whole world lyk nicholas"
i was lyk thinkin la.. at least e world will have better ppl right??
at least better den havin tat ass arnd.. wad a waste of our scarce resources..
think abt it.. for her to take transport.. she will probably take e bus with 10more of her..
while its for a bus of 30.. think abt e amount of fuel they have to use??
limited resource cant be waste on her jus lyk tat..
omg.. i have lots more to grumble actually la..
but i mean i will not do it here.. how i cant stand her..
e sight of her jus irritates me so horribly tat i will have nightmares..
jus by thinkin of how she tore e skirt she wore today jus makes me giggle..
every1 must have its limits.. don try to squeeze into sth u cant n tear it..
n in turn make a bloody fool out of yrself.. it jus makes so mani ppl's day..
i hear 100times more complain of her instead of some compliments..
how sad but true.. SHE DESERVES IT..
in my whole life.. she is e onli teach is is so screwed up..
wad a failure in life i must say.. keep boasting abt o levels marker shit..
ohwells.. i shall stop here le.. cant stand it anymore..
n jus to add on to it.. i had reali bad gastric after recess till 3..
damn sucks.. but thanks my dear for buyin me panadol..
though she forced me to eat it la.. but reali loveyou.. thanks..
den all e buses i wait for took so long to come.. late for everythin lors..

hmmm i dunoo why i did tat my dear..
my mood jus changed.. some reasons i suppose..
but i also duno why i reacted to it this way..
its wierd.. reali reali wierd la.. don reali understand..
thanks for caring abt me so much.. loves*
thanks for stayin close by me.. sigh..
but im not feeling alright today.. reali not gd..


Monday, May 5, 2008

went out on sat to have dinner..
it was reali not worth its price..
i mean.. even foodcourt stuff r much better..
duno why it cost lyk a bomb..
but anyway, enjoyed everythin..
n i mean EVERYTHIN.. but e stayover was best of course..
hhaas.. slept at lyk 630?? 12plus wake up..
hmmm den spent more time tgt..
den in e end i went home at abt 5??
reali enjoyed everythin.. reali enjoy my time with u..
everythin passes so fast.. i mean..
we stayed up lyk for so long la..
n we were not tireed.. OMG.. so cool yea??
apart from e fact tat we were havin fun.. its reali nice..
erm had meesiam in such heat.. OMG..
but of course at least with u arnd everythin seems right..
n aunty, hope u lyk e gift from us.. hhaas..

hey baby, i noe somethings r lyk.. yea..
but u noe.. u have reali became a part of me le..
a part which can never be removed..
its never gg to be.. i will treasure u..
a lot a lot.. lyk there's no tmr okay?!?
i never gonna abandon u.. don worry.. trust me alrights?!?
